10 Cities with the Most Expensive Cost of Living in Indonesia

10 Cities with the Most Expensive Cost of Living in Indonesia
Jakarta - The amount of expenditure for daily living costs from one area to another will usually vary. However, there are several cities in Indonesia that are famous for their high and low cost of living.
Actually, the low or high cost of living in a city is caused by many factors. This is usually influenced by regional progress, tourism interests, economic growth rates, lifestyles, and so on.

The calculation of the cost of living usually includes rent, food and transportation costs. So which city has the highest cost of living in Indonesia?
Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the following is a list of the 10 cities with the most expensive living costs in Indonesia:

1. Jakarta
As the capital city of Indonesia, the total average per capita expenditure in the city of Jakarta is IDR 4,446,770. Meanwhile, the total average household expenditure is Rp. 16,897,727.
2. Surabaya
In second place, spending in Surabaya averages Rp 4,240,902 per capita. Meanwhile, the average total household expenditure is Rp. 16,115,429.

Surabaya is also the largest metropolitan city in East Java as well as the second largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta. It is not surprising that Surabaya is included in the list of cities with the most expensive cost of living in Indonesia.

3. Bekasi
The total average expenditure per capita in Bekasi is IDR 4,119,168. Meanwhile, the average total household expenditure is Rp. 16,888,582.

4. Depok
Directly adjacent to Jakarta, the city of Depok is known as the home of people who work in the capital city. The total average expenditure per capita in Depok is IDR 3,424,560. Meanwhile, the average total household expenditure is Rp. 13,355,784.

5. Semarang
The total average expenditure per capita in Semarang is IDR 3,257,315. Meanwhile, the average total household expenditure is Rp. 13,680,725.

6. Tangerang
Directly adjacent to the capital city of Jakarta, Tangerang is the largest city in Banten Province and the third largest in the Jabodetabek area.

The total average expenditure per capita in Tangerang is IDR 3,287,159. Meanwhile, the average total household expenditure is Rp. 12,491,204.

7. Makassar
The capital city of South Sulawesi Province is one of the metropolitan cities in Indonesia when judged from its infrastructure and development.

The total average expenditure per capita in Makassar is IDR 3,253,338. Meanwhile, the total average household expenditure is Rp. 14,640,022.

8. Metro
It is one of the cities in the province of Lampung, Indonesia, which is about 52 km from the city of Bandar Lampung. Based on the 2018 BPS cost of living survey, the total average per capita expenditure in Metro city is IDR 3,217,451. Meanwhile, the total average household expenditure is Rp. 12,226,313.

9. Attack
The total average expenditure per capita in Serang City, Banten is Rp. 3,178,430. Meanwhile, the average total household expenditure is Rp. 13,031,561.

10. Banjarmasin
Banjarmasin City is a municipality which is also the capital of South Kalimantan Province. The total average expenditure per capita in Banjarmasin City is Rp. 3,168,097. Meanwhile, the average total household expenditure is Rp. 12,038,769.

Read the detikfinance article, "10 Cities with the Most Expensive Cost of Living in Indonesia" in full https://finance.detik.com/berita-ekonomi-bisnis/d-6392095/10-kota-dengan-cost-live-termahal-di-indonesia .

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