'Bunny Eared Man' Suspected of Initial Cause of Itaewon Halloween Tragedy

'Bunny Eared Man' Suspected of Initial Cause of Itaewon Halloween Tragedy
Jakarta - The police are still investigating the cause of the Itaewon Halloween tragedy which killed 154 people. A total of 475 police officers intervened to investigate the cause of the incident.

Quoted from Chosun, the police are currently checking CCTV from the camera located behind the Hamilton Hotel. They are investigating the alley area where the incident occurred.

Police are said to be speeding up efforts to uncover the cause of the incident. Under the Digital Evidence Based Review policy, records can be used as evidence immediately instead of being reviewed first.

The police promised to carefully listen to the testimonies of visitors to find out the cause of the incident. This was done after it was suspected that people had intentionally pushed them from the start.

In a series of uploads on Instagram, YouTuber Seon Yeo Jung talked about the night of the incident. He said he heard a lot of people shouting to push each other.
"Behind me, people were screaming. 'Push! We are stronger! We can win!' After that, pushing happened. Some of us tried to follow the direction of the crowd, but it was no use. I was pushed here and there, "said Seon Yeo Jung.

"Suddenly chaos ensued and everyone started pushing each other aggressively. It didn't take long before I felt the power of the push. My vision started to blur. My friends over there were stronger than me. So they helped me. Otherwise I must fall," he continued.

Eyewitnesses also claimed to have seen a group of men, about 5 to 6 people including foreigners, inciting people to push each other. Many eyewitnesses have asked the police to investigate someone wearing a rabbit ear headband.

"A man wearing a bunny ear headband told us to keep pushing," said one witness.

"I saw him grinning drunkenly, then started pushing hard before leaving the scene," added another eyewitness.

If indeed this figure is proven to be the original cause of the Itaewon Halloween tragedy, he could be prosecuted for crimes up to murder. This was conveyed by Um Gun Woong as a professor who teaches Police & Fire Administration at a university in South Korea.

"If someone pushes another person with the intention of hurting him, he can be charged with several articles. Assault, murder, and involuntary manslaughter can be charged," said Professor Um.

At least 154 people became victims of the Itaewon Halloween tragedy that occurred on October 29, 2022. There was a shoving between visitors in one of the alleys in Itaewon which caused many people to suffocate to the point of cardiac arrest.

Source: https://hot.detik.com/mainstage/d-6379304/pria-bertelinga-kelinci-diduga-sebab-awal-tragedi-halloween-itaewon?bytedance=true