Come down! Details of Pertamina fuel prices as of January 7, 2023

Come down! Details of Pertamina fuel prices as of January 7, 2023

Jakarta - Pertamina's non-subsidized fuel prices have officially dropped since January 3, 2023, effective at 14.00 WIB. The types of fuel that have decreased are non-subsidized fuels, such as Pe......

10 Cities with the Most Expensive Cost of Living in Indonesia

10 Cities with the Most Expensive Cost of Living in Indonesia

Jakarta - The amount of expenditure for daily living costs from one area to another will usually vary. However, there are several cities in Indonesia that are famous for their high and low cost of l......

'Bunny Eared Man' Suspected of Initial Cause of Itaewon Halloween Tragedy

'Bunny Eared Man' Suspected of Initial Cause of Itaewon Halloween Tragedy

Jakarta - The police are still investigating the cause of the Itaewon Halloween tragedy which killed 154 people. A total of 475 police officers intervened to investigate the cause of the incident.......

Rp 500 Jasmine Coin So Hurry Up! Here's the selling price

Rp 500 Jasmine Coin So Hurry Up! Here's the selling price

Jakarta - Recently, many people have become interested in participating in collecting old coins or old coins. Therefore, it is not surprising that these ancient or old coins are increasingly being h......

22 Flat Towers Prepared for IKN Nusantara Construction Workers

22 Flat Towers Prepared for IKN Nusantara Construction Workers

RumahCom - A total of 22 four-story flat towers will be built by the PUPR Ministry together with several state-owned companies. These flats are built on an area of ​​19.88 hectares which will be com......

New Chapter of Brigadier J's Case: Brigadier Ricky Suspects of Premeditated Murder

New Chapter of Brigadier J's Case: Brigadier Ricky Suspects of Premeditated Murder

Jakarta - The case of the death of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat or Brigadier J entered a new phase. The aide to Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's wife, Brigadier Ricky, has now been name......

Komnas HAM Finds Evidence that Brigadier J was shot at close range

Komnas HAM Finds Evidence that Brigadier J was shot at close range, Jakarta The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) found evidence that Brigadier J was shot at close range. This can be seen from the characteristics of bullet wounds. "......

These are the requirements and how to register for a subsidized mortgage

These are the requirements and how to register for a subsidized mortgage, JAKARTA – Subsidized mortgages are the answer for low-income people who do not yet own a house. The massive government provides various subsidized housing financing programs for th......

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We are proud to present to you some of the best homes, apartments, offices e.g. across Indonesia for affordable prices.

List of properties that we market


House for sale/rent on Jl. Manah Tegal Gondo Malang

Rp. 650.000.000

JL. Manah F 10/2 Tegal gondo, Jawa Timur, Malang, Karangploso

House for sale Perumahan Karanglo in Karanglo Malang

Rp. 2.300.000.000

Perum Karanglo Blok S no : 1, Jawa Timur, Malang, Karangploso

House for sale at Villa Bukit Tidar Malang

Rp. 1.550.000.000

Villa Bukit Tidar E 3/353, Jawa Timur, Malang, Lowokwaru

House for sale in Cokroaminoto Malang


JL. Cokroaminoto no : 34, Jawa Timur

Plots for sale in Raya Tumapel Singosari

Rp. 4.500.000

Jl. Raya Tumapel gg 5, Jawa Timur, Malang, Singosari

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We are proud to present to you some of the best homes, apartments, offices e.g. for affordable prices.